Quarterly Meetings
GSAN members meet once per quarter via Zoom.
Our next quarterly meeting will take place Friday, May 24th at 3-4:30 PM Eastern/12-1:30 PM Pacific. At this meeting, we will debrief about organizing efforts across the year. RSVP if you want to receive the zoom link.
Our most recent quarterly meeting took place on Friday, August 25, 2023 at 1pm PST / 4pm EST.
At this meeting, we:
Heard updates from folks on the ground about responding to attacks on graduate student organizers by employers, specifically discussing strategies to mobilize grad students to combat these aggressive responses to our collective power.
Began drafting a “Graduate Student Bill of Rights” which we can use, among other things, to organize information about related active campaigns and example victories and connect organizers with aligned goals.
Steering Committee Meetings
All active GSAN members are encouraged to participate in monthly steering committee meetings. Our next steering committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 31st at 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM PST.
If you are interested in attending, make sure you are on the GSAN mailing list, and check your email for an agenda with a Zoom link soon!
Disabled Scholars Zoom Chat
On Friday, October 20th at 4 PM PST / 7 PM EST, we invite disabled graduate students to gather and informally share experiences, resources, and solidarity in navigating academia. RSVP for the Disabled Scholars Zoom Chat here.